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As a longtime fan of Escape from Tarkov, I was quick to secure a test code for the PC version of Arena Breakout and spent a considerable amount of time experiencing both its mobile and PC versions. Arena Breakout, as a game built around the Extraction Royale gameplay loop, introduces numerous modifications and simplifications to Escape from Tarkov’s overall framework. These changes provide players with a more streamlined yet highly competitive experience.

As a rising subgenre within FPS games, Extraction Royale delivers an adrenaline-fueled experience that is unmatched by most traditional shooter mechanics. Being deeply immersed in this genre, I will conduct a thorough analysis of its feasibility and appeal from multiple perspectives. Additionally, this article will take Arena Breakout’s "Farm" map as a case study to examine the unique map design principles within the Extraction Royale framework.

At its core, this article aims to answer one fundamental question:

WHY is Extraction Royale gameplay so thrilling and addictive? What are the key motivational drivers that keep players engaged?

PART 1: What are the Core Motivational Drivers of Extraction Royale Games?

Before diving into the analysis of Extraction Royale gameplay, let's first break down its key components and understand its core gameplay loop:

1.1 The concept of a "Raid"

A raid, as the name suggests, refers to a game session that a player joins. We divide the gameplay experience into two parts: in-raid and out-of-raid. The main reason for this distinction is that these two phases operate as fundamentally different but closely interconnected gameplay loops. Their interplay and mutual influence are what create the complete Extraction Royale experience.


Figure 1: A Simplified Diagram of the Extraction Royale Gameplay Loop

As shown in the diagram, the Extraction Royale gameplay primarily revolves around the in-raid experience (red section), while the out-of-raid phase (blue section) focuses on inventory management and economic system interactions.

The in-raid experience is mainly driven by FPS combat, whereas the out-of-raid experience primarily involves interface-based interactions.

The key bridge connecting these seemingly unrelated gameplay elements is the loot-and-extract mechanic, which serves as the defining feature of this genre. In most games that differentiate between in-session and out-of-session experiences—such as PUBG: Battle Royale—everything a player does within a match remains isolated. Whether they win or lose, the in-match experience does not directly impact out-of-match progression.

However, in Extraction Royale games, the resources players acquire in-raid can be brought back to the out-of-raid phase, and the gear prepared out-of-raid becomes their capital for looting in-raid. This creates a cycle where players extract valuable resources in-raid, invest them into their character out-of-raid, and then re-enter the raid with better gear to acquire even more resources.

By breaking the traditional separation between in-session and out-of-session experiences, Extraction Royale games fuse these two systems into one cohesive gameplay loop, which lies at the core of the genre’s unique appeal.

1.1A Gameloop during the raid


Figure 2: Diagrammatic Breakdown of the In-Raid Extraction Royale Gameplay Loop

As shown in the diagram above, this represents the player's main actions between looting and extraction. The gear brought in from the out-of-raid phase helps players defeat enemies more effectively, loot more resources, and ultimately extract to secure their gains.

1.1B Out-of-Raid Gameplay Loop

fig out of raid.png

Figure 3: Breakdown of the Out-of-Raid Loadout Preparation in Arena Breakout

As shown in the diagram above, the out-of-raid gameplay primarily revolves around converting looted resources into in-game currency and spending currency to acquire better gear.

1.2 Motivations at Different Stages of Extraction Royale Gameplay

fig loop.png

Figure 4: Breakdown of Motivations at Different Stages of the Game

The diagram above provides a preliminary analysis of player motivations at different stages of the Extraction Royale gameplay.

Simply put, the game's core loop revolves around the following cycle:
Players seek better gear, which requires currency. The most effective way to earn currency is by looting valuable items. Successfully extracting allows players to cash out their loot and purchase better equipment.

1.3 Core Issues of Extraction Royale Gameplay

From the breakdown of the core mechanics of Extraction Royale gameplay, we can understand that these games are essentially a battle for scarce resources. The player's goal is to loot as many valuable resources as possible and successfully extract. However...

Why do players care about these resources? Why do they value their in-game currency and raid profits in Arena Breakout?

The answer to this question has already been hinted at in the discussion above—it all comes down to the player's pursuit of "something better."

1.4 The Solution to the Core Issue: Sense of Progression

What means "better"? In Arena Breakout, "better" is reflected in various aspects of a player's gear—higher-tier armor, top-tier ammunition, fully customized weapons, and more. These improvements create a tangible sense of progression, which is a core motivator driving player engagement.

In Arena Breakout, the sense of progression is primarily manifested in two areas:

  1. Player’s Gear – From low-tier weapons to fully customized guns, from no armor to top-tier loadouts, and from cheap ammo to high-penetration premium rounds.

  2. Player’s Stash – From an empty inventory to a collection filled with high-end weapons and valuable loot.

Notably, Arena Breakout has a more streamlined progression curve compared to Escape from Tarkov. While Tarkov features a long-term growth system—skill leveling, trader reputation, flea market credit, black market trust, hideout upgrades, and player levels—the core objective of Arena Breakout is simply to make money.

The two main mechanics that support this single progression-driven goal are:

  • Death Loot Drop (Short-Term Progression) – This emphasizes PvP and resets players to a lower state when they die, forcing them to rebuild their progression in short bursts.

  • Stash System (Long-Term Progression) – Players can accumulate valuable weapons and gear, continuously increasing their stash value with no upper limit.

In other words:

  • The death loot drop system provides a short-term progression loop (from naked runs to fully geared loadouts).

  • The stash system enables long-term progression, offering a sense of achievement and wealth accumulation, which reinforces the motivation to loot (as illustrated in the diagram below).

1.4A The Whip and the Carrot: Punishment and Reward Mechanics That Amplify the Sense of Progression

One of the Core Hardcore Designs in Extraction Royale Games: The Death Loot Drop Mechanic
Just like Survival Mode in the original Minecraft, when players die in a raid, they lose almost everything they were carrying, including both the items they brought in and the ones they looted during the match. The only exception is the safe container, humorously referred to as the "crotch", where items are protected from being lost upon death.

This design is deeply intertwined with two fundamental elements of video game design—reward and punishment. Combined with the game's emphasis on progression, it becomes a gravitational force that firmly hooks players through their greed and gambler’s mentality.

How Do We Interpret the Rewards and Punishments of the Death Loot Drop?
In-raid death and loot loss is, very clearly, a massive punishment.
Everything the player **acquired, all the gear they brought in, and the time they spent in the match—all gone in an instant. This combination of punishments can be so devastating that it turns players into "sleepless souls." This mechanic alienates casual players and ultimately defines Extraction Royale as a game genre not meant for everyone.

On the other hand, the death loot drop also means that when a player kills an opponent, they get to take everything the enemy was carrying, making it an enormous reward. From the gear their enemy brought in to every item in their backpack, everything now belongs to the player. This creates one of the defining features of Extraction Royale games—high risk, high reward. While the punishment of death is severe, the thrill of looting a defeated opponent is just as tempting.

Compared to other FPS subgenres, Extraction Royale’s extreme rewards and extreme punishments create a rollercoaster-like gameplay experience. The weight of death and the sweetness of looting constantly stimulate players to engage wholeheartedly, keeping them deeply immersed in the endless gameplay loop of Extraction Royale.

How Does the Death Loot Drop Relate to the Sense of Progression?
The death loot drop mechanic is directly tied to short-term progression, as previously discussed. If a player dies in a raid, they return to their stash completely empty, essentially resetting their progression. At this point, they must spend resources from their long-term stash progression to prepare for the next raid (gear up).

On the other hand, if a player finds better armor and gear during a raid—whether looted from enemy corpses or containers—they experience in-raid character progression, increasing their survivability and combat effectiveness.

Graph 1: Player Stash with Death Loot Drop Mechanic

Figure 2: Player Stash Without Death Loot Drop Mechanic

The two charts above provide a rough estimation of how the death loot drop mechanic impacts long-term player progression.

With death loot drop, players experience a more dynamic and fluctuating progression, whereas without it, progression would be a one-way increase with no setbacks. Just as a story with ups and downs is more engaging, a gameplay experience where players sometimes lose money and sometimes make money is more compelling.

(If players keep dying, they may feel the game is too difficult and frustrating. Conversely, if they never die, the game may feel too easy, leading to boredom. This aligns with the concept of flow in game design, where players remain engaged through a balance of challenge and reward.)

In conclusion, the death loot drop is one of the core mechanics of Extraction Royale games. Its presence creates a short-term progression loop while adding long-term fluctuations to player growth. In the following sections, many of the gameplay mechanics analyzed will frequently tie back to this core feature.

1.4B Short-Term Progression: Armor and Ammunition in the Game

Compared to mainstream FPS games, both Arena Breakout and Escape from Tarkov feature a relatively realistic, complex, and in-depth armor and ammunition system.

Unlike other FPS games where a weapon's damage is tied to its type, in Arena Breakout, guns are merely bullet launchers with different stats.

The game's armor and helmets are categorized into six levels (from 1 to 6), and ammunition follows a similar logic.

For example, a penetration level 4 bullet cannot pierce level 5 armor but can easily penetrate level 3 armor. Below is a simplified breakdown of this system's mechanics.

Graph 3: Breakdown of the Game’s Armor Mechanics

Graph 4: Breakdown of the Game’s Ammunition Mechanics

The charts above illustrate the depth and complexity of the game's armor and ammunition system. It is precisely this depth and breadth that provides players with rich short-term progression opportunities.

The choice of equipment level and type plays a crucial role in in-raid progression. Unless a player enters fully equipped with the best end-game gear, there is always a possibility for real-time progression during the match—for example, killing a player with higher-tier armor than their own and upgrading on the spot.

At the same time, the comprehensive armor and ammunition system offers viable choices and strategies for different playstyles, such as aggressive players and those who prefer to avoid combat. This not only diversifies the in-game player ecosystem but also grants players more meaningful decision-making opportunities.

However, the expansiveness of the armor and ammunition system also increases the learning curve for new players. Having too many options can lead to decision paralysis, making newcomers feel lost in terms of what gear to choose.

A major criticism of Arena Breakout is that it lacks an intuitive tutorial system or a structured progression curve for new players. From the moment they enter the game, players can purchase any armor or ammunition available, which often results in newcomers being overwhelmed by the complexity before they even fully understand the mechanics, ultimately driving them away from the game.

1.5 Counterexample: Hazard Zone in Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 attempted to incorporate the Extraction Royale gameplay loop from Escape from Tarkov with its Hazard Zone mode, expanding on the traditional Battlefield experience. However, the mode failed immediately upon release, with many players losing interest after just a few matches.

The two biggest issues, as summarized by the author, are:

  1. Lack of in-raid content and an oversimplified looting experience – Players are forced to fight over supply drops, similar to PUBG’s airdrops, shifting the gameplay from "Loot, Combat, Extract" to "Run, Fight, Extract". The formulaic match structure severely limits player agency and playstyle diversity, reducing every game to a predictable fight over supply drops.

  2. A shallow out-of-raid progression system – Players essentially start fully geared in every match, resulting in an extremely short short-term progression cycle and no long-term progression at all.

The lack of a sense of progression caused players to stop caring about in-game currency and equipment, leading to the collapse of the core appeal of the Extraction Royale gameplay loop.

Once players lose the motivation to loot, the Extraction Royale formula loses its grip on player engagement, ultimately dooming Hazard Zone to failure.

1.6 PART 1 Summary

From the analysis above, we can conclude that the core motivational driver of the Extraction Royale (Loot, Combat, Extract) gameplay is the sense of progression it provides to players. Additionally, long-term progression mechanics are a crucial component in fostering player retention.

The Extraction Royale gameplay must be built upon a progression system with both depth and breadth—it cannot exist independently like other shooter game mechanics.

PART 2: What Makes Extraction Royale Gameplay Addictive and Replayable?

The sense of progression analyzed in the previous section is the primary motivational driver for players in this genre. However, it does not fully explain why these games can sustain long-term engagement.

Take Escape from Tarkov as an example—even though the game wipes player progress every six months, many players keep coming back.

The ability of these games to maintain long-term player engagement is rooted in their strong replayability.

Replayability, in this context, refers to the motivation that drives players to continuously re-enter raids and engage in the Extraction Royale gameplay loop.

As a self-proclaimed Escape from Tarkov addict who has played through five account resets, I still find myself enjoying the experience every time.

With that in mind, the following section will focus primarily on Arena Breakout, with Escape from Tarkov as a secondary reference, to analyze the key factors that contribute to the replayability of this genre.

2.1 Randomness: The Key to Replayability

Figure 6: Breakdown of Randomness Keywords in the Gameplay Experience of Arena Breakout

From the breakdown in the diagram above, we can see that the questions and uncertainties players encounter in the Extraction Royale gameplay loop stem from a large number of input and output random variables, creating suspense and surprise for players.

Suspense, whether in games or movies, is a key factor in keeping audiences engaged. Just like watching a movie where you already know the ending or a sports match with a predetermined outcome, the experience becomes dull and unexciting.

Extraction Royale games are designed to embed suspense within the gameplay loop, tapping into players’ greed and gambler’s mentality:

  • “What if I find a high-value item this raid?”

  • “What if this room hasn’t been looted yet?”

These countless "what ifs" intertwine to form a network of psychological hooks, which, when combined with the motivation to progress, drive players toward the dream of striking it rich—like moths to a flame.

While randomness and suspense shape the thrill and intensity of Extraction Royale games, how exactly is this randomness structured?

The following section will deconstruct the sources of suspense in Figure 6 from six key aspects:

  • Map Framework

  • Loot Spawning and Key Room Design

  • Disguised Infiltrators Mechanic

  • Player and Matchmaking System

  • Airdrop Mechanic

  • Flea Market Mechanic

Through this analysis, we can observe that the emphasis on randomness in Extraction Royale games shares core similarities with the gameplay loop of Rogue-like games.

In Rogue-like games, each run offers a unique experience due to randomized inputs and outputs, creating varied gameplay and different strategies. Players also progress and grow stronger within a run, while their meta-progression outside the run (e.g., experience points, currency, or permanent upgrades) enhances their long-term power.

This interwoven in-run and out-of-run progression loop is strikingly similar to the Extraction Royale gameplay loop analyzed earlier:

  • In-raid progression and power growth are reflected through the gear players bring in and the loot they acquire.

  • Randomness is carefully engineered through various game mechanics working together.

  • Out-of-raid progression is reflected in stash value, character level, and other persistent elements.

By adopting the strengths of randomness-driven replayability from Rogue-like games and combining them with FPS mechanics and live-service updates, Extraction Royale games have established a strong player retention system, ensuring long-term engagement.

2.1A Map Framework


Figure 7: The Farm Map in Arena Breakout

We will use The Farm map in Arena Breakout as a case study to analyze the common design logic of Extraction Royale game maps.

As a relatively beginner-friendly map, The Farm provides a clear and intuitive representation of the fundamental principles behind map design in Extraction Royale games.

We will examine its design from a top-down perspective, focusing on overall structure rather than the detailed layout of each POI (Point of Interest).

Untitled (1).png

Figure 8: Players Spawning on the Right Side Have Extraction Points on the Left Side

Figure 9: Players Spawning on the Left Side Have Extraction Points on the Right Side

Figure 10: Map Loot Distribution

By analyzing the three figures above, we can identify seven key design principles for Extraction Royale maps:

  1. A player’s spawn point and their fixed extraction point must always be on opposite sides of the map.

  2. Players should not spawn too close to high-value loot areas.

  3. Besides the central high-value loot area, there should be several nearby mid-to-low-value loot areas close to spawn points to provide players with multiple route options.

  4. Conditional and probability-based extraction points should be placed toward the center of the map to differentiate them from fixed extraction points and add variety to extraction strategies.

  5. Players should be evenly distributed across both sides of the map—all players should not spawn on just one side.

  6. Multiple movement paths ("lanes") should be designed in the map, with loot distribution influencing the risk level of each route. (For example, in The Farm, there are two primary routes—one safer route with fewer loot areas and one high-risk route that passes through multiple loot spots, increasing the likelihood of combat.)

  7. Paths should be separated by POIs, chokepoints, and obstacles to guide player movement.

In this snake-like map, players who spawn on either side must pass through the central high-value loot area to extract, forcing inevitable high-intensity combat.

However, due to player unpredictability and loot distribution across the map, the probability of combat at central chokepoints varies from match to match.

  • Some players may rush straight to the Motel at the start,

  • Others may loot nearby areas before heading toward the center.

  • More importantly, not every spawn point is occupied in every match.

This combination of fixed spawn points and randomized player spawns, along with player decision-making, creates input randomness and output randomness, reinforcing the unpredictability of the looting experience.

Suspense During the Looting Phase:

  • Where did the enemies spawn this match?

  • Where will I spawn, and which resource points am I closest to?

  • What are my available extraction points?

  • Which loot spots will enemies go for? Will I be competing for the same loot?

  • Can I make it to the loot spot alive?

  • Is this loot route safe?

  • Will I be the first player to reach the loot spot?

Suspense During the Extraction Phase:

  • Are there enemies camping the extraction point?

  • Will I encounter enemies along the way?

  • Is the extraction point open?

Impact of Conditional and Probability-Based Extraction Points

In addition to these uncertainties, the central areas of the map feature both conditional and probability-based extraction points.

  • Probability-based extraction points are designed to appeal to players’ gambler’s mentality, adding an element of luck and risk-taking.

    • They also increase the randomness of player movement, making player paths less predictable.

    • This helps mitigate extraction point camping, reducing frustration for casual players.

  • Conditional extraction points provide more strategic options for different player goals:

    • Task-oriented players can extract at no-gear zones.

    • Fully geared PvP players can pay an extraction fee to leave safely.

    • These tactical choices enhance the sandbox nature of the game, reinforcing randomness as a core mechanic.

The Role of Asymmetry in Extraction Royale Maps

Looking closely at spawn point placement, we can see that, unlike in competitive shooters, Extraction Royale maps are neither symmetrical nor balanced.

For example, in Figure 10, a player spawning at A1 will always be the first to reach the Motel loot area.

However, since randomness is a core aspect of this genre, this inherent imbalance amplifies the gambling-like nature of the game:

  • Not every match will have a player spawning at A1.

  • No player is guaranteed to spawn at A1 every time.

This imbalance, when combined with randomness, enhances the unpredictability of each raid, making every match feel fresh and engaging.

2.1B Loot Spawning and Key Rooms

As a game where the core objective is looting and making money, various in-game items become the primary targets players compete for.

In Arena Breakout, loot is diverse and abundant, ranging from household goods to electronic devices. However, the most sought-after items are high-value and mid-value loot, commonly referred to as "Big Gold" and "Small Gold."

As the names suggest, these are valuable items that players strive to acquire.


Figure 11: Various High-Value and Mid-Value Loot in Arena Breakout

These in-game items randomly spawn in various containers and loot points across the map. Referring back to the division of loot areas discussed earlier, high-value areas have a higher likelihood of yielding high-value and mid-value items ("Big Gold" and "Small Gold"), while mid-to-low-value areas also contain loot, but with lower expected returns. This randomness in risk-reward expectation creates suspense and excitement during the looting phase.

It's worth noting that, in Arena Breakout, most high-value items are more likely to spawn in specific containers called "safes," and the locations of these safes are fixed on the map. The combination of randomized high-value item spawns with fixed spawn locations creates a high-risk, high-reward experience—high-risk because high-value loot areas are often heavily contested by players, and high-reward because there is a higher chance of finding valuable items.

Additionally, this design has led to gameplay centered around the attack and defense of these safe locations. This aspect is closely tied to the POI (Point of Interest) design of the map, where each loot spot has its own unique tactics and strategies. Typically, the areas around these safes are designed with multiple chokepoints and movement paths, encouraging player engagement while increasing the risk involved in securing safes.

Overlaying this system is the key room mechanic, which further amplifies the high-risk, high-reward gameplay. In Arena Breakout, certain rooms require players to obtain keys to access them, and these rooms usually contain safes or other high-value loot points. While similar to the random loot spawning in containers, the combination of these mechanics creates a gambling-like experience:

  • You don't know if another player has the key,

  • You don't know if the room has been opened, and

  • You don't know what items will spawn in the room's safe.

All of this corresponds to the suspense elements described in the analysis of randomness:

  • Has the key room been opened?

  • Did the safe spawn any high-value items?

  • What loot is inside the various containers?

Key rooms, randomly spawned items, and unknown contents in containers are all part of the in-raid systems designed to create suspense for players and trigger their gambler's mentality. These elements add layers of unpredictability, heightening the tension and excitement of the looting experience.

fig poi.png

Figure 11.1: Movement Routes and Breakdown of the Motel POI in Arena Breakout's Farm Map

Using the Motel POI in Arena Breakout's Farm map as an example, the design of the main guest rooms (highlighted in yellow in the diagram above) clearly illustrates the intentional conflict and tactical engagements the game encourages.

As shown in the diagram, the main guest rooms are positioned at the intersection of three movement paths and a chokepoint, providing multiple attack routes for players. However, this also means that players must clear potential threats around the chokepoint before safely unlocking the guest rooms, or else they risk becoming what players jokingly call “the locksmith”—vulnerable and defenseless while picking the lock.

The layout of the guest rooms forms a U-shape, with the main loot room located at the bottom of the U. The numerous corners and walls prevent players from immediately seeing the loot room upon reaching the top of the stairs. This design creates multiple strong holding angles (marked by blue dots in the diagram), making the fight for the guest rooms highly dangerous.

Furthermore, placing the main guest rooms directly at a contested chokepoint reinforces the game’s high-risk, high-reward philosophy. Regardless of how valuable the loot inside actually is, its exposed position alone signals its worth.

As a result, players typically engage in intense fights around the guest rooms before anyone can safely loot. Only the last surviving player gets the chance to claim the treasure.

Key Takeaways from Map and Key Room Design:
Important key rooms must be placed at chokepoints where multiple movement paths converge, and their unlocking positions should be highly exposed.
(Players must engage in combat to have a chance at accessing the key room.)
Key rooms should provide viable escape routes to prevent players from being easily trapped inside.
(Like movement path intersections, escape routes ensure that players don’t get permanently locked down inside a dead-end.)

Key rooms, as a high-risk, high-reward mechanic, not only enhance the suspense and gambling-like thrill described earlier but also serve as a crucial element in encouraging PvP interactions. The strategic placement of key rooms within the map further reinforces player engagement and risk-versus-reward decision-making.

2.1C Disguised Infiltrator/SCAV Mechanic


Figure 12: The Disguised Infiltrator Mechanic in Arena Breakout

The Disguised Infiltrator mechanic in Arena Breakout is a low-risk, high-reward gameplay mode.

This mode differs from the main PMC (Private Military Contractor) mode by focusing primarily on scavenging. Most AI enemies in the game treat Disguised Infiltrators as friendly by default, and players always join an ongoing raid rather than starting fresh.

Unlike PMC mode, dying as a Disguised Infiltrator does not result in any item loss, since players enter the raid empty-handed. The only penalty is a cooldown before the next Disguised Infiltrator raid.

A crucial aspect of this mode is that any loot acquired as a Disguised Infiltrator can be transferred to the player’s main stash, aligning with the game’s money-making objective. This provides an alternative way to generate income.

The mode primarily serves two types of players:

Players on the verge of bankruptcy (or already broke) who need a zero-risk opportunity to make money.
Players seeking a high-risk, high-reward experience, where they attempt to turn nothing into something.

Since Disguised Infiltrators join an ongoing raid, most high-value loot locations have already been scavenged. As a result, their choices are often:

Take a gamble—they have nothing to lose, so they can ambush PMCs.
Play it safe—search remaining loot spots, loot dead bodies, and scavenge unopened containers.

From the Perspective of Disguised Infiltrator Players
This mode serves as a newcomer-friendly way to learn the map.
It provides a risk-free method for making money after going bankrupt.

From the Perspective of PMC Players
The Disguised Infiltrator is a wildcard—adding an unpredictable element to the raid ecosystem.
It increases the overall uncertainty of the match:
Players don’t know how many Disguised Infiltrators will join.
They don’t know where or when these players will spawn.
Since PMC players can be ambushed at any moment, they must remain constantly vigilant.

The existence of Disguised Infiltrators makes it impossible to truly “clear” an area, reinforcing the sandbox-like unpredictability of the battlefield.

This Mechanic Ties Directly to the Following Suspense Factors from Earlier:
Are there enemies camping the extraction point?
Will I encounter enemies on my way out?
Have Disguised Infiltrators joined the match?

Impact on Gameplay
The Disguised Infiltrator system primarily introduces output randomness, as PMC players cannot gather intel or predict their presence.

This uncertainty increases pressure on PMC players, combining with the game’s severe death penalties to heighten risk perception and amplify the gambler’s mentality.

At the same time, this added unpredictability makes a successful extraction even more satisfying, reinforcing the emotional highs and lows of the gameplay loop.

2.1D Matchmaking and Lockdown Zones

Unlike most mainstream FPS games that use skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) to create a fair competitive experience by balancing player skill levels, Extraction Royale games rely on completely random matchmaking to emphasize unpredictability and imbalance.

Each raid features a random number of players, teams, and gear loadouts, creating a dynamic and ever-changing in-raid ecosystem.

  • Fully geared four-man looting squads

  • Lone wolves with thermal scopes sniping from the shadows

  • Broke players running in with knives, hoping to strike gold

The random matchmaking system ensures that every encounter is unpredictable, making every engagement a suspenseful and unique experience.

Diverse Player Archetypes in Extraction Royale Games

Since Extraction Royale games have highly open-ended objectives, they naturally attract a wide variety of playstyles. Below is a classification of different player types based on personal experiences in Arena Breakout.

(Of course, there are many more playstyles not covered here, but this provides a general reference.)

Aggressive Players (Fully Geared Operators, Bodyguards, Thermal Scope Hunters)

  • Frequently found in high-value loot areas.

  • Refuse to disengage from fights—won’t stop until the enemy squad is eliminated.

Mid-Tier Players (Semi-Geared Players, Opportunistic Snipers, Rat Players)

  • Appear throughout various loot areas on the map.

  • Their aggressiveness depends on the value of the loot they are already carrying.

Passive Players (Knife Runners, Task Runners, Traders)

  • Typically found on the outskirts of the map.

  • Their main goal is to make money or complete quests.

  • Avoid combat whenever possible—if they encounter a fight, they run rather than engage.

Figure 13: Common Locations Where Aggressive Players Appear

Figure 14: Common Locations Where Mid-Tier Players Appear

Figure 15: Common Locations Where Passive Players Appear

The three figures above represent general conclusions I drew after spending a significant amount of time playing on Arena Breakout's Farm map. However, these figures should only serve as a reference for map design, as every player’s playstyle varies. For example, rat players (stealth-oriented players) tend to appear more frequently near extraction points than indicated in the diagrams.

How Player Distribution Affects Raid Tension

From the diagrams, we can see how different player types appear in different areas of the map, which in turn affects the level of tension and expected combat in various regions.

For example:

  • Players in the Motel area will be on high alert, as this is a hotspot for fully geared, aggressive players.

  • In the northern "Silk Road" area, players can afford to be more relaxed, since combat is less likely in this region.

This diverse player ecosystem is a direct result of the game’s random matchmaking system. If Arena Breakout used skill-based matchmaking (SBMM), higher-ranked players would eventually be forced into the same, repetitive high-intensity Motel battles, eliminating the variety and unpredictability that make Extraction Royale games unique.

Dark Forest Theory: How Random Matchmaking Enhances the Sandbox Experience

The randomized matchmaking system in Arena Breakout aligns perfectly with the “Dark Forest” philosophy that underpins Extraction Royale games.

Instead of creating a gladiator-style experience with evenly matched competitors, this system fosters a more organic, survival-oriented sandbox—a living battlefield where unpredictability is a core feature.

This blend of unpredictability and lack of transparency is what fuels key player uncertainties, such as:

  • How many enemies are in this match? How many teams? How large are their squads?

  • Which loot areas will enemies go for? Will they contest the same resources as me?

  • Are my opponents fully geared operators or knife runners?

How Map Design Shapes Player Behavior

It's important to note that the player movement paths outlined in the diagrams are heavily influenced by the map’s movement lane design.

The Farm map in Arena Breakout clearly accounts for different types of players and their preferred playstyles.

  • The northern route (a two-lane or semi-three-lane design) is the preferred choice for passive players.

    • This isn’t just because high-value POIs are in the south.

    • The north features more cover, dense vegetation, and elevation differences (making it difficult for southern players to get a clear line of sight).

  • The southern route is filled with high-value POIs and safes, creating a high-risk, high-reward path for aggressive players.

Lockdown Zones and Reinforced Lockdown Zones: A Double-Edged Sword

Arena Breakout features Lockdown Zones and Reinforced Lockdown Zones, which function as special matchmaking pools. These differ from the standard matchmaking pool in several ways:

  • Higher loot spawn rates ("more gold").

  • Stronger AI enemies.

  • Little to no Disguised Infiltrators, making encounters more predictable.

  • Entry requirements:

    • Players must bring in a minimum-value loadout.

    • Players must pay an entry fee.

This system effectively removes most passive players from these raids, reducing player-to-player disparity and increasing predictability.

For example, in Reinforced Lockdown Zones, players can safely assume that 80% of opponents are aggressive fighters.

Pros and Cons of This System

From my perspective, this system is a double-edged sword:
✔ Pros:

  • Allows for more controlled risk-reward scenarios, reducing frustration from extreme randomness.

  • Prevents players from losing high-tier gear to low-risk Disguised Infiltrators, making high-value investments feel safer.

✖ Cons:

  • Goes against the game’s core philosophy of unpredictability and sandbox survival.

  • More controlled matchmaking means more homogeneous experiences, reducing the variety and dynamic interactions that make Extraction Royale games engaging.

  • Segmented matchmaking pools restrict "small investment, big reward" gameplay, limiting opportunities for lower-tier players to outplay fully geared opponents.


Ultimately, Arena Breakout sacrifices some of its sandbox survival essence to create a more structured, competitive experience. While Lockdown Zones provide a more predictable risk-reward balance, they detract from the core elements of randomness and uncertainty that define the genre.

2.1E Airdrop Mechanic

Figure 16: Looting an Airdrop Crate in Arena Breakout

The airdrop mechanic, originally introduced in Battle Royale games to create dynamic in-raid POIs and encourage PvP, has also been adopted in Escape from Tarkov and Arena Breakout.

In Arena Breakout, only the Arsenal map features guaranteed airdrops, with two fixed airdrop spawns per match. Unlike Escape from Tarkov, where players can manually call in airdrops and drop times are completely random, Arena Breakout sacrifices some randomness in favor of a more predictable airdrop system to control player movement and match pacing.

The Purpose of Airdrops in Arena Breakout

The primary function of airdrops in Arsenal is to:

  • Encourage aggressive players to engage in more dynamic PvP rather than camping POIs.

  • Provide an important way for players to gather intel on enemy locations in an otherwise highly information-obscured environment.

The fixed airdrop timing helps regulate player movement and positioning during a match.

Meanwhile, the randomized airdrop locations break the static, defensive meta, preventing players from simply picking a POI and camping. Instead, airdrops introduce additional looting choices, encourage strategic mobility, and force players into action.

After all, one of the biggest problems in Extraction Royale games is the "everyone sits still and waits" stalemate. Airdrops are an effective solution to break this stagnation, ensuring more fluid gameplay and engagements.

Airdrop Suspense Factors in Extraction Royale Games

Although less impactful than some of the mechanics analyzed earlier, airdrops serve as a valuable tool to increase randomness and in-raid motivation.

Airdrops contribute to several key suspense moments in a match:

  • Can I reach the loot area alive?

  • Is the path to the loot area safe?

  • Will I be the first player to reach the loot area?

  • Did the loot area spawn high-value items?

Ultimately, while not the most complex mechanic, airdrops add an extra layer of unpredictability and strategic depth, reinforcing the risk-reward dynamic at the heart of Extraction Royale gameplay.

2.1F Flea Market

Figure 17: The Flea Market in Arena Breakout

The Flea Market is a player-driven marketplace system found in both Escape from Tarkov and Arena Breakout.

In addition to selling looted resources to NPC traders, players can list these items on the player market to earn greater profits.

By integrating this system with the looting mechanics, the game creates a more dynamic and unpredictable progression experience.

Since each player has different needs and supply demands, the value of items in the flea market is never constant.

For example, in Escape from Tarkov:

  • Low-level players need construction materials.

  • High-level players need premium ammo and top-tier armor.

This progression disparity causes market prices to fluctuate, mimicking a fictional yet realistic in-game economy.

As market conditions shift based on real-time supply and demand, the looting experience becomes even more engaging.

Instead of fixed NPC trader prices, the flea market introduces output randomness—players can never be certain how much their loot is worth.

For instance, the Xeno item in Escape from Tarkov:

  • Its price fluctuates significantly on the flea market.

  • Unless a player checks real-time market prices before extraction, they won’t know how much they will earn.

Flea Market Suspense Factors in Extraction Royale Games

This system directly relates to the suspense elements analyzed earlier:

  • How much are the items I extracted actually worth?

  • How much does it cost to repurchase my current gear?

How the Flea Market Enhances Long-Term Progression

A player’s stash and gear progression are directly tied to raid profits and the items they choose to loot.

Since earnings depend on market prices, players can clearly see how their looting decisions impact their financial growth.

This removes the feeling of “silent choices”—every decision visibly affects the player’s long-term progression.


The Flea Market enhances the "Loot" aspect of Extraction Royale games by introducing economic depth and dynamic pricing.

This system adds:

  • Suspense – Players never know exactly how much their loot is worth.

  • Surprise – Market fluctuations can unexpectedly increase profits.

  • Randomness – No two raids will have the same financial outcome.

Since loot directly impacts player progression, every item scavenged has real weight and meaning, making the act of looting itself a compelling and engaging experience.

2.2 PART 2 Summary

The previous section outlined six key systems that create randomness, each intertwining and influencing one another to provide a unique gameplay experience in every match.

This constant variation is the core driving force behind replayability and addiction in Extraction Royale games.

To summarize in one sentence:

Extraction Royale games emphasize randomness to create suspense and surprises, delivering a dynamic and sandbox-like gameplay experience. This ensures that players do not feel a sense of "repetition and monotony" within the core Loot-Combat-Extract loop, keeping engagement high.

PART 3: What Makes Extraction Royale Gameplay So Thrilling?

From my personal experience, the combat mechanics in Escape from Tarkov and Arena Breakout are incredibly intense, often causing heart-pounding, adrenaline-fueled moments.

The level of engagement and tension in these games is so high that, when playing other FPS titles, I often struggle to feel the same sense of urgency and full immersion.

With this in mind, the following section will analyze the key factors that contribute to this thrilling experience.

3.1 Returning to the Death Loot Drop Mechanic

The death loot drop mechanic analyzed earlier is one of the most crucial factors contributing to the intense experience of Extraction Royale games.

The severe death penalty, combined with the game's emphasis on progression, ensures that players deeply care about their survival in each raid. The pressure imposed by this system is the primary reason players approach every encounter with full intensity.

Compared to more arcade-style FPS games like Call of Duty, where death has minimal consequences (at worst, players wait for the next round or start a new match), Extraction Royale games tie in-raid survival directly to the player's in-game assets.

This forced connection between in-raid and out-of-raid progression magnifies the consequences of dying, because death means losing both short-term and long-term growth—resulting in painful financial losses.

When every player has a high stake in their survival, the result is a thrilling, high-adrenaline experience that keeps players fully engaged and on edge.

3.2 Engagement and Immersion: Key Elements in Creating a Thrilling Experience

Engagement and immersion are two closely related concepts.

  • Engagement refers to how deeply a player feels connected to and involved in the game world—for example, whether the player feels that their actions have a meaningful impact. It is a crucial component in creating an immersive experience.

  • Immersion, as described by author Janet Murray in Hamlet on the Holodeck, can be understood as the sensation of being completely transported into another world—fully "entering" a game world or story.

How Escape from Tarkov and Arena Breakout Enhance Engagement and Immersion

Both Escape from Tarkov and Arena Breakout achieve a deep sense of player engagement and immersion by implementing hardcore mechanics and minimalistic UI design:

  • No on-screen ammo count or health indicators.

  • Manual bullet loading into magazines.

  • Increased player responsibility for managing every aspect of their survival.

While these mechanics significantly raise the learning curve, they also enhance player engagement by reinforcing a sense of self-reliance.

In most FPS games, the system automates many aspects of gameplay for the player. However, in Escape from Tarkov and Arena Breakout, players must handle everything themselves.

This hands-on approach subconsciously pulls players deeper into the game world.

At this point, the player’s character is no longer just an avatar but an extension of their own senses. The screen fades away, and the game world becomes their reality.

For example, when a player dies in these games, they often say:

  • “I died!” rather than “My character died!”

This sensory extension through engagement and immersion strengthens the player’s connection to the game world, creating a high-stakes, adrenaline-fueled experience that amplifies the thrill of every encounter.

Differences Between Escape from Tarkov and Arena Breakout

Compared to Escape from Tarkov, Arena Breakout, as a mobile game, has made several simplifications to its hardcore mechanics to broaden its audience.

For example, Arena Breakout features:

  • Teammate markers.

  • A sound visualization system ("soundprint system").

How Arena Breakout Creates Immersion and Engagement

Despite these simplifications, Arena Breakout still maintains a strong sense of immersion and engagement through the following mechanics:

  • Realistically designed maps that emphasize authenticity.

  • Hidden hit feedback (no traditional hit markers).

  • A sound-based enemy detection system that requires players to rely on audio cues.

  • Manual magazine bullet loading, reinforcing the feeling of realism.

These mechanics work together to immerse players in the world, ensuring that every action and decision feels meaningful, and ultimately enhancing the intense, high-stakes nature of the gameplay experience.

3.2A Realism-Focused Map Design

In the previous section, we analyzed some key features and patterns of Arena Breakout's map design from a top-down perspective. Now, I will take a more detailed approach to examining the design of specific environments within the game.

Overall, Arena Breakout's POI design follows the same design logic as Escape from Tarkov. It is structured around realism, logical spatial arrangement, and immersion.Whether in overall layout or the construction of rooms and interiors, every aspect of the game’s environment greatly contributes to enhancing immersion.

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Figure 18: Interior Screenshot of the Motel POI in Arena Breakout PC Version (Farm Map)

Figure 19: Interior Scene Screenshot from Call of Duty: Warzone

From the comparison of the two images above, it can be seen that the interior design of Arena Breakout has added many details, including more reasonable table layouts, scattered clutter, and more. Compared to the more simplistic interior design of Call of Duty, Arena Breakout follows the design approach of Tarkov. The former is more like designing a maze-like arena, emphasizing the understanding of the general structure of buildings and simplifying interior details to eliminate the possibility of campers, while the latter is more like designing a realistically existing world, emphasizing the details and rationality of buildings, adding various small details to give the house a sense of context. This allows players to feel and speculate about the people and events that once took place in the house. The blood on the walls, unfinished food, or scattered books vividly depict the stories that once unfolded in these rooms, allowing us to glimpse the lives of these vivid yet invisible people. This makes the world of Arena Breakout not just a battlefield for looting and combat, but more like a vivid and realistic world.

This design, which adheres to realism and rationality, not only satisfies players' innate curiosity and desire for exploration but also makes the looting and exploration experience in Arena Breakout more immersive.

On the other hand, the map design that emphasizes realism and aligns with reality also reduces the learning curve for new players. Spaces that conform to reality allow new players to memorize and learn the game's POIs more quickly (players can use their conceptual knowledge from the real world to assist in learning the in-game spaces). At the same time, it gives new players a certain level of controllable expectation when exploring the map. For example, in the design of the North Mountain Hotel in Arena Breakout, new players learning the map will most likely assume that the rooms on either side of the hallway are independent guest rooms. This is another significant advantage of designing map scenes that align with reality.

3.2B Hidden Hit Feedback

Untitled (5).png

Figure 20, screenshot from LVNDMARK's video, shows that the game's hit feedback only includes blood splatter.

Compared to most mainstream FPS games that emphasize hit feedback to provide players with timely positive feedback, in Arena Breakout, the only two indicators of a hit are the blood splatter from the enemy and the animation of the enemy falling. On one hand, this design adds more strategy and suspense to player PVP, as often players do not know how many times they have hit the enemy or how much health the enemy has left (as mentioned earlier, the information is not transparent). On the other hand, it also enhances the immersion of the game (since in reality, hitting a target does not come with a hit indicator like in games). This is a relatively small detail in the mechanics, but it is precisely the combination and interplay of various large and small mechanics that creates the overall thrilling experience of the game. The suspense and immersion brought by this small mechanic contribute to enhancing the game's key theme of "intensity."

3.2C Enemy Positioning System Reliant on Auditory Cues

Figure 21, a screenshot from Arena Breakout, shows the red indicator above the mirror, which represents the sound wave.

Compared to Escape from Tarkov, which relies entirely on auditory cues for information gathering, Arena Breakout, as a mobile game, sacrifices some immersion by introducing a sound wave system to assist players in locating enemies and gathering information. The sound wave mechanism is part of the player's UI, providing a 3D indicator on the screen that varies in size and color to show the location of sounds. Since mobile players use different devices and not every player has a completely quiet environment with headphones to play Arena Breakout, this design is considered a reasonable adaptation to cater to the player base. However, it is worth mentioning that players can choose to move silently in the game. When moving silently, no sound waves are revealed to other players, but silent movement still produces sounds, meaning that players wearing headphones and listening carefully can still detect it. Therefore, auditory cues continue to play a key role in information gathering. In the game, whether it's walking, brushing against grass, or opening containers, certain noises are produced. Beyond simply seeing an enemy and emptying a magazine, knowing the enemy's location and actions is crucial. Due to the game's penalty mechanics, players are extremely cautious, leading to interesting auditory-based strategies. Whether it's faking movement to deceive others or using grenades to mask footsteps, these strategies not only test players' understanding of the game but also require them to stay highly focused. Missing even a single sound source due to carelessness can lead to defeat in a confrontation. The design's strong reliance on auditory and visual coordination firmly captures players' attention, subtly "forcing" them to fully immerse themselves in the game, thereby amplifying the thrilling experience. Of course, the primary source of player engagement still comes from the pressure of losing items upon death, but the game's heavy reliance on auditory cues further enhances players' spatial awareness during gameplay.

3.2D Manual Magazine Reloading

Compared to many mainstream FPS games on the market, in Arena Breakout and Escape from Tarkov, every bullet in a magazine needs to be prepared by the player, and empty magazines must be manually reloaded during gameplay. While this mechanic might seem cumbersome in other games, in these two games, it serves as an important mechanism to enhance player engagement and deepen the gameplay experience. It is worth mentioning that, due to the in-depth armor and bullet systems in these two games, players also strategize the type of bullets they load into their magazines. For example, they might load a few rounds of high-tier ammunition at the top of the magazine or mix two different types of bullets. Although this slightly deviates from the topic of immersion, the freedom to customize magazine loadouts adds significant depth to player strategies. Returning to the connection between this mechanic and immersion, it embodies the feeling of "having to do everything yourself." In other games, systems handle tasks for the player, but in these two games, players must complete these tasks themselves. This sense of self-reliance and hands-on involvement enhances the player's interaction with the game world, providing autonomy and diverse choices, thereby immersing players more deeply into the game world.

3.3 PART 3 Conclusion

As summarized above, the thrilling experience created by loot-extraction games for players is primarily reflected in two aspects:

The impact of progression: Due to the death and loot-drop mechanics directly affecting both short-term and long-term player progression, players are highly concerned about their survival and the resources they earn. This pressure, stemming from their concern for survival, drives players to give their all, making the game's combat tense and exhilarating.

The creation of immersion: The game's systems are designed around realism and player engagement. The immersive experience draws players deeper into the gameplay loop of Arena Breakout, thereby amplifying the game's intensity.


Returning to the initial question:

WHY? Why is the Extraction Royale genre so thrilling and addictive? What is the core motivational driver behind this gameplay?

  • The core motivational driver of Extraction Royale games comes from the sense of progression that the game provides, realized through its complex, multi-layered gameplay loop.

    • Currency and stash progression serve as quantifiable representations of both short-term and long-term growth.

    • In other words:

      The core motivational driver of the Extraction Royale genre is built upon the game’s ability to provide players with both deep and expansive long-term and short-term progression.

  • The reason this gameplay is addictive comes from its emphasis on randomness.

    • The various mechanics intertwined with the core objective of making money constantly provoke players’ gambler’s mentality, greed, and sense of risk-reward,

    • Giving the game a level of replayability similar to Rogue-like games.

  • The reason this gameplay is thrilling lies in its emphasis on immersion and the emotional impact of progression loss.

    • The death loot drop mechanic serves as a severe punishment for both short-term and long-term growth, creating a high-pressure environment that forces players to go all in during every raid.

    • Meanwhile, other game systems designed around realism and engagement further immerse players into the game world, amplifying the intensity of the experience.

This article primarily focused on Arena Breakout to analyze the inner workings and core appeal of the Extraction Royale genre.

However, the key elements discussed here are not exclusive to Extraction Royale games.

  • Progression, immersion, and replayability are the fundamental pillars of game design across all genres.

  • They are essential considerations for game designers and critical factors that cannot be overlooked in crafting engaging experiences.

Additional inspirations

  • The sense of progression provides players with motivation through achievement and satisfaction, but player motivation is not solely derived from progression.

    • For example, in The Last of Us, the primary driving force for players comes from the narrative suspense rather than character growth.

    • When designing player motivation, it is essential to consider the genre of the game carefully.

    • Game design should not be limited to focusing solely on progression as the core motivator.

  • Randomness is one of the key factors in building replayability, but it is not the only one.

    • In Baldur’s Gate 3, for example, replayability is driven by the depth and breadth of its branching narrative and interactive storytelling, rather than randomization.

    • The design of randomness must be carefully considered, as excessive randomness can negatively impact the player experience.

      • (For instance, Escape from Tarkov's latest armor system introduced more realism but led players to feel like they had lost control over combat outcomes, making victories and defeats feel like rolling dice.)

    • Randomness can tap into players’ gambler’s mentality, but it should never make players feel like they have lost control over their experience (agency).

  • Incorporating real-world elements into game environments and mechanics can enhance immersion, but realism should not be replicated in a way that introduces unnecessary complexity and tedium.

    • Game designers need to find a balance between reality and fiction, carefully simplifying and enhancing elements to ensure that:

      • Players can experience realism in an intuitive and engaging way.

      • The game remains easy to learn and understand.

      • Exploration remains enjoyable rather than overwhelming.

  • To sustain long-term player engagement, games should feature a multi-layered progression system:

    • Short-term goals – such as winning each raid and acquiring loot.

    • Long-term goals – such as character level progression and stash upgrades.

    • A well-structured multi-layered progression system keeps players motivated across different stages of gameplay.

    • A great example of this is the ranked systems in competitive games, which provide players with a sense of achievement and satisfaction, keeping them engaged in repeated play sessions.

I hope this article has provided a deeper understanding of the core design principles behind Extraction Royale games while also offering new insights into game design in general.

That concludes this discussion—thank you for reading!

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